Wednesday 14 November 2007

Keeping to your direction

Gaby kept this in her diary, useful for us all!

1. You were born with a purpose - it's part of you
2. Anything is possible
3. Look for the meaning or purpose of what you are doing
4. Participate more and plan less
5. Start anywhere; purpose is not linear - it's surprising
6. Focus on what you want - not what you don't want
7. Love what you do. Do what you love.
8. Listen carefully to your intuition.
9. Take action on intution.
10. You don't fave to become a different person
11. Stay in acceptance and postive energy
12. By your example you are responsible for inspiring others
13. When you are alighned, you easily draw on the cooperation of all
14. It's a game; enjoy, be light
God is helping you.

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