Tuesday 16 December 2008

Mum and Oma

Thursday 23 October 2008

Wednesday 22 October 2008

one year on...

It is a year since you left us!
Hope you are enjoying the ultimate lie-in :-)

Love und miss you more than you will ever know!

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Thursday 4 September 2008

Scattering of ashes

Turned out to be the most beautiful day of the entire 'summer' :-)

Wednesday 27 August 2008

Scattering of ashes at Bench

The new bench is now in place, and the scattering of the remains of Mum's ashes will take place at 2pm on Saturday, 30th August - weather forecast - sunny! :-)

To find the bench, simply walk down Cambridge Park footpath from where she used to live to River Thames, turn right, first bench on your right.

Alternatively, walk along the Thames on the Twickenham side of Richmond Bridge towards Twrickenham, and you will see the bench after 7-8 mins walk.

Anyone that knew her is welcome to join us!

1964 - solo pic and with her Mum

Friday 15 August 2008

A poignant day indeed for today exactly a year ago was the last time I saw my beloved Mum. Just making arrangements to go and see the (new) bench...

Sunday 10 August 2008

Bench installation

After a delay, Mum's new memorial bench is due to be installed on Tuesday, 12th August - scattering of ashes TBA.

Monday 21 July 2008

Bench update

Hello Marc,

Firstly apologies this has taken so long. There have been problems at the warehouse with the Oak used to make the Kensington benches and they have been rejecting much of the stock they are being given as it is splitting.

I received a call today from the warehouse saying that your bench would be delivered on Wednesday to the London Depot. This means it will be installed sometime next week. I’ll let you know the exact date once this has been set with the team at the depot.

Also just to let you know that your cheque that you sent us some time ago for the additional lettering on the bench, should have now gone into the Father Thames Trust bank account. Many thanks for this.

Kind regards and I do hope you are well.


Francesca Morrison

London's Arcadia Project Officer – The Thames Landscape Strategy in Action!

Saturday 12 July 2008

message from Frances

What a fantastic lady. I met Gabriele about 10 years ago. She was a client in the hair salon where I work. She became more of a friend to us than a client. She would always have our customers in stiches with her funny stories and just her every day ways.I was shocked to find that she had passed away as she had been in on the saturday to get her hair done although not as loud and cheerful as usual. She was forever telling us about her very precious grandson whom she adored. Even if we didn't see her pass the shop we'd hear her little bell tinkle and knew it was her. She is very much missed.


Love Frances x

Thursday 12 June 2008

new pic

This nice pic was sent by Manfred today :-)

Tuesday 3 June 2008

JJ giving Mum a flower

I tried for ages to transfer this clip which was recorded in 2005 from my Phone to the web but to not avail. So here's a recording of that recording, hence the iffy quality!

Mum & Jamie, Hamburg, early 2001

Monday 2 June 2008

Madam at the window

Mum's first meeting with Jamie

Recorded in Hamburg on 24th September 2000

Thursday 22 May 2008

The serenity prayer

Whilst Mum what not a religious person, she loved the serenity prayer and I do too :-)

God grant me the sereniy to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

New Bench

The council have been in touch to advise that the new bench will be installed approximately six weeks from now - just in time for the summer :-)

Sunday 18 May 2008

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Gaby and Heidu

Gaby in Black and White

She used to prefer black and white to colour. I can see why.

Crazy Mum!

I found this poem recently which I wrote at about the time that this photograph was taken

Gaby Jarrett is very gazy
and stares at people alot
She seems to think that they are lazy
But to add to that she is a clot.
She is in love with Klaus and he has lots of trouble
She wants to see a film with a mouse - Oh my God, what a muddle...

Monday 24 March 2008

Kew Gardens

Mum loved Kew Gardens and Thank You Emely for the pics :-) Some of her ashes will be saved for there...

Friday 14 March 2008

I've got a chicken to pluck with you!

Amusing memory from Nigel T:

"I will always remember you and me meeting your Mum at the Tower Thistle Hotel where, during our meeting, she announced that she had a "chicken to pluck with you". She meant a 'bone to pick with you'. Silly perhaps, but a fond memory nevertheless :-)

Thursday 28 February 2008

Bench vandalised :-(

Just a fortnight after its installation, the bench has been vandalised. Whilst this was always going to be a risk, I am shocked and saddened that it should have happened so soon.

The council have been great and will be re-ordering another...

Friday 15 February 2008

The Memorial Bench...

...was installed last Monday 11th February and commands spectacular views over the River Thames - a beautiful spot for a beautiful person :-)

Saturday 5 January 2008