Monday 21 July 2008

Bench update

Hello Marc,

Firstly apologies this has taken so long. There have been problems at the warehouse with the Oak used to make the Kensington benches and they have been rejecting much of the stock they are being given as it is splitting.

I received a call today from the warehouse saying that your bench would be delivered on Wednesday to the London Depot. This means it will be installed sometime next week. I’ll let you know the exact date once this has been set with the team at the depot.

Also just to let you know that your cheque that you sent us some time ago for the additional lettering on the bench, should have now gone into the Father Thames Trust bank account. Many thanks for this.

Kind regards and I do hope you are well.


Francesca Morrison

London's Arcadia Project Officer – The Thames Landscape Strategy in Action!

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